don't think there would be many dramatic instant effects. Some children (and
adults) would have their kites drop from the sky, stuff would stop blowing
around, sailing ships would be stuck and the temperature of some room would
increase or decrease slightly. After some time the last wave would hit shore
leaving the sea pretty much still, tornadoes and hurricanes would stop.
After a few days the problem arrives. Without wind systems warm, moist air won't
move around. Water might still evaporate but it won't travel meaning anywhere
away from a large body of water will dry up. Lakes might be alright as the
evaporating water will fall back into them and the sea will be fine but anywhere
else will get very dry very quickly. Plants, animals and humans will slowly die
from dehydration with most water inaccessible as salt water or ice. Even if we
survive this the problems don't stop. The equator will no longer shed its heat as
quickly so it will become very warm, mountains may remain cool enough to be
habitable but nowhere else will. At the same time the poles, deprived of heat
from the equator, will freeze solid.
There are other effects but it basically boils down to everyone dying.
Created at 2017-02-24 05:55:01
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